A plane lands in the jungle due to serious weather conditions. Among the passengers, a rich elderly lady travels with her little dog, a poodle. When they get off the plane, the poodle runs out of sight into the trees and gets lost.
Soon he realizes that a panther is looking at him with no good intentions. The poodle begins to shake with fear. Suddenly, he sees a pile of bones and speaks aloud: “Yum, yum, that panther was delicious”. The panther which had never seen a poodle before, thinks that this animal maybe a dangerous species and could have eaten one of his mates. The panther runs away as soon as the poodle stars walking towards him. From the top of a high tree a monkey is watching the whole scene and is laughing at the panther. The monkey goes behind the panther and tells him what has happened.
When the panther hears the truth, he comes back to the place where the poodle was in order to eat him up in a single bite. The poodle, who sees the panther approaching furiously with the monkey on his back, speaks aloud once more: “Where is that damned monkey. I sent him for another panther and it’s not here yet. Uh! How hungry I am! I could eat half a dozen of them!”
Nota: Esta fábula, que anda por internet y que dicen que es del mismísimo Einstein, relata la historia de un pequeño caniche que con su talento e imaginación logra que una pantera corra despavorida por las palabras del pequeño caniche. ¡Usa tu imaginación y el poder de las palabras, la realidad puede cambiarse!
Adaptación hecha por M.J. Pérez Román
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